
The Littlefield’s take Disney World

December 3, 2018

We did it. We did Disney world with a 6-month-old. I had many questions about what it was like, so after much consideration, I decided to write about it!

(Our matching shirts are from Old Navy)

Airport and the Plane ride

We took Finley’s stroller and her car seat. BEST DECISION. I want to travel with a stroller every. single. time. We put all of our carry-on bags under the stroller so I was hands-free the entire time at the airport. It was amazing! We took two stroller bags to put the stroller and car seat in and we checked them at the gate. (I definitely recommend stroller bags). Security was very easy. I had to take off my shoes but Finely did not. We had to break down our stroller and car seat and put the whole thing on the conveyor belt.  Ryan did this while Finley and I went through the x-ray. (On the way back home they let me take a water bottle through security for her bottle). P.S. I have heard that you need to take a birth certificate when you are flying with an infant. However, we were never asked for hers.

 I decided to feed Finley during take-off so that her ears would not pop. Finley is formula fed so we bought a water bottle at the airport and I had individually packaged formula packets (from Walmart). I made her bottle on the plane and it was incredibly easy. I fed her during take-off and she slept the whole plane ride. When we got off the plane, the man sitting behind us said that when we got on the plane with a baby he was a little worried but he was very surprised at how well she did.

Arriving at Disney

We rented a car because we wanted to have the freedom to drive whenever and wherever. Plus we went to the beach one day. However, if you only plan on going to the hotel and the parks then you do not need to rent a car. The Disney shuttle takes you from the airport to the hotel and to all of the parks (Even Disney Springs).

We stayed at the All-Star Music hotel. This was the more affordable hotel, however, it was still very nice. Everything was Disney themed and gave you all the Disney feels! Once we arrived we checked into the hotel and hung out at the cafe until it was time to check in to our room. We saw Goofy and purchased a refillable soda cup. (If you arrive early, it is completely fine because there is so much to do at the hotel. EX. A Disney store, cafe, TV’s playing Disney movies, a pool, and so much to look at.) We asked for a pack-and-play for her to sleep in and they brought one to our room.

Refillable soda cups

These are $19.99 are you have unlimited refills for a week.  The only place you are able to fill up is at a Disney hotel. However, you can fill up at any hotel, not just the one you stay at. We would always fill up right before we headed out to the parks and fill up as soon as we got back.

Disney Shuttle

These will take you to any Disney park and to the airport. One important thing to know is that you have to fold up the stroller on the shuttle. It was kind of a pain but we got the hang of it.

(My dress is from Francesca’s and her dress is from Amazon)

Magic Kingdom

If you are only doing one park, then you want to do magic kingdom. This park has the most rides and attractions. My advice is to get the app. It has a map of the park and will tell you the wait times at each attraction. My favorite thing to do is to meet all of the characters at this park. I also love the Dumbo ride and the spinning teacups, because who doesn’t 🙂

Animal Kingdom

This is basically a glorified zoo. If you have animal lovers, then you will want to definitely visit this park. This is also the park with the Yeti roller coaster and Pandora. They have a Lion King show that is amazing.


This park is geared more for adults. You eat your way around the world. My favorites include the nachos in Mexico and the egg rolls in China. My advice is to get only one of whatever you want and split it with whoever you are with. This way you do not get full as quickly and you can try as many items as possible. My favorite part of Epcot is trying all of the different foods and riding the Frozen ride. You will want a fast pass for this ride. Trust me.

Hollywood Studios

This park is mostly restaurants, stores, and shows. They do have the new Tory Story Land that I have not yet been too. It opened the week after we left last time we went. This park is decorated as old Hollywood which is fun. My favorite part of this park is Beauty and the Beast Live and the Frozen sing-along. Also, this is where all of Disney Jr is located.

Fast Passes

You can book 3 fast passes per person ahead of time. Once those three are out you can book more, however, you can only book one at a time after your first 3. Do your research if there are rides that you really want to ride and book ahead. The rides that usually have a long line are: Avatar, Peter Pan, Space Mountain, 7 dwarfs mine train, and Frozen Ever After.


We actually have never done a dining pass so I have no knowledge on that. I will say that if you do not want to do a meal plan then you do not have too. For breakfast we just did Starbucks and we ate a lot of Mickey shaped food throughout the day. So we would eat a small lunch at a quick service restaurant. For dinner, we would either find some place at the parks or we would leave (we had our own car) and go somewhere outside of the park. Tip: When dining at a quick service restaurant order ahead of time on the app so that you do not have to wait in line!

Tips + Tricks

Bring portable chargers. Your phone will die.

Bring your own first aid kit.

You can take food and drinks into the parks.

Do not miss the parades or shows. They’re amazing.

Take a stroller or wagon. We took our stroller that is able to fold down so Finley could sleep. We would walk through the park while she slept and it was so easy.

Purchase a spray fan. Especially in the summer.

The stores on Main Street all connect so if it is hot, you can walk through the stores to get some A/C and to get out of the heat.

Mickey waffles are also served at the Disney hotels.

Use the buddy system on rides if you have kids and you and your spouse both want to ride.

SAY YES to the park hopper. It is so nice to be able to go to more than one park a day. We visited every park, so on our last day we went to ALL 4 parks and did our favorite thing from each park. It was so nice to have the ability to go back and do all of those things again! Plus, some parks only take 1/2 a day!

Do not skip out on Fantasia. Trust me.


Buttons! Buttons are free so just ask for one either at your resort or at the parks! These are a fun way to add excitement to your vacation!

Boat Ride. One day when we were leaving Hollywood Studios and going to Epcot we took a boat ride instead of the shuttle. It was so nice and relaxing. We got to see many of the resorts that were on the river and we passed by the Disney Boardwalk. It was a very enjoyable break from walking all day.

 Club Cool in Epcot. This is where you can taste sodas from all over the world for FREE.

Magic Bands

These are free if you stay in a Disney hotel. These are how you access your hotel room and your credit card is linked to it. You just scan your magic band any time you want to purchase something. SO EASY! Every time your photo is taken at WDW your photos are linked to your magic band, as well.

Extra Mickey Hours

These are available if you stay in a Disney Hotel. This means that on certain parks on certain days you can get into the park early and leave later. This is great if you want to ride a ride but are not able to get a fast pass for it. My husband wanted to ride the Avatar ride but it was always 3+hours to ride it. He went one morning when Animal kingdom had EMH and beat the line! He only waited 10 minutes!

(My top is from Stitch Fix and my shorts are from Old Navy. Finley’s dress is from Gap Kids)

Disney Springs

Do not skip on this if you have time. It is free to get in so anyone can go. It is owned by Disney so it still feels like you’re at Disney. The shuttle from your hotel will take you here as well! It has a movie theatre, restaurants, shopping, and nightlife. It is so much fun. The best place we ate at in Disney was at a restaurant called D-luxe burger in Disney Springs.

AduIt and kid-friendly

We have done Disney with and without kids. It was so much fun both times. I honestly can not rate one time higher than the other. They were both magical. Disney has so much geared for children. However, they have gone above and beyond with making it aduItfriendly too. I will say that Epcot is geared more towards adults.

I hope this helps you plan your Disney vacation!

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