
A weekend in NYC

February 1, 2024

I’m excited to write this post because I am excited to go back through all of my NYC photos! This was one of my favorite vacations! It was short but so, so sweet!

First things first, I did my research. I searched through blog posts and Google searches on where to eat, what to do, and where to take cute photos. My biggest tip: stick to what you have planned. On the first day, I started doubting what I had planned out so we ended up walking for a bit trying to figure out what to do. We ended up going to eat at the place I had planned and it was THE BEST experience! A cute little pizza place right under the Brooklyn Bridge. (More on that later)

Day 1:

We flew out of DFW that morning. We each only packed a backpack so we didn’t have to check a bag and wait at baggage claim once we got there. Also, we didn’t want to have to lug around luggage waiting for check-in at the hotel. We wanted to go straight to exploring since we only had 2 days. I 100% recommend only taking a backpack!

Once we landed in NYC, we took a free shuttle and it dropped us off right at the subway! We weren’t sure at this time where we wanted to go so we just got off somewhere random and it ended up being right at Macy’s. We went inside because I obviously needed to step foot inside the iconic NYC Macys. We didn’t stay long because we were hungry. This is when we decided to just stick to my list and take the subway to Brooklyn.

Ignazios Pizza

I had read such good reviews on this pizza parlor and it lived up to the hype! There was a short wait but we were seated pretty quickly! We sat by the window and had the best view of the Brooklyn Bridge. After we ate lunch, we walked around Brooklyn. There were so many cute shops and dessert places. If we weren’t so full we would have tried some!

West Village

This is where all the cute shops are! We went to Stoney Clover, obviously a must! They had so many other cute shops and it was the cutest area! I loved it because it wasn’t super touristy…we were hanging with the locals. it started pouring rain when we were walking around and it was so beautiful! After this, we headed home to change and rest because we were heading to Broadway that night!

The Motto by Hilton

Our hotel was located in Chelsea. I loved it because it was within walking distance to many shops! Ryan did a lot of research on our hotel and it was perfect! It was so nice and we had the best view of the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty from our room! It also had a restaurant and bar downstairs. We rested, changed, charged our phones, and headed out to Aladdin!

Aladdin on Broadway

This show was amazing! I am a long-time fan of musical theatre and this just so happened to be my first NY Broadway show! I highly recommend seeing it. I eventually want to see the iconic Lion King. Ryan has already seen it, so we chose a show that neither of us had seen.


Then we walked to the iconic Juniors for a late dinner and cheesecake! It was the perfect end to the best day!

Day 2:

Ryan slept in so I looked up coffee shops in walking distance. I had Ralphs Coffee on my list and one of the many locations was close to our hotel! I got dressed and walked to get coffee. Our hotel was in such a cool location. I passed by so many stores including Trader Joe’s and Micheals. It was so cool to see those stores in NYC style.

Ralphs Coffee

Coffee by Ralph Lauren. It was such a cute coffee shop in a cute area! Not touristy at all which I loved. I got an iced white mocha and it was 10/10!

I got home right as Ryan was almost done getting ready for the day. Then we set off to explore day 2 of NYC!

Central Park

The first thing we wanted to do was go to where had gotten engaged, 8 years prior. So we took the subway to Central Park. We stopped for Ryan to get a donut and me to get another coffee.

Next, we headed to the exact spot where Ryan had proposed. It was so special!

Meatball shop

This one was Ryan’s request. It was amazing! I got the chicken parm and he got the chicken parm meatball sub!

5th Avenue

We took the Subway to 5th Avenue and saw all of the iconic shops and venues! It was so surreal to see the place that you see on so many shows and movies! We went to the famous Starbucks Reserve which was massive! We had to go to the AG store to buy Finley something! And we went to see Radio City Music Hall!

Jonas Brothers Concert

And that brings us to our main event! The main reason we went to NYC…The Jonas Brothers Concert! We went back to our hotel to rest and get ready! The concert was at Yankee Stadium and we wanted to get there early. We had floor seats and we met some super cool people while we were waiting. The weather was perfect and Ryan went to get us food and drinks before the show. We had VIP tickets so we got to go through a separate entrance with a cute photo backdrop.

Hands down the BEST concert EVER! We left right before the very last song so that we could beat traffic. We took the subway back to our hotel and got home around 1 am…we had to leave for the airport at 4 am.

Heading home

4 am came way sooner than we wanted. But we booked our taxi and made it to the airport on time! Then we flew home to our babies!

It was the perfect weekend with Ryan and just the right amount of time! We were so excited to get home to see Finley and Harrison. I can not wait until our next couples trip!

xoxo, Alyssa

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