I was going to do a gift guide this year, however, I decided to post on ways to give instead. Finley’s birthday is 5 days before Christmas, so it is gift galore in December! I want her to know the true meaning of Christmas and to give more then she receives. Even though she is [almost] two, I have started these traditions with her so she can learn early on.
Donate all toys and clothes. We went through all of Finley’s old toys and clothes and donated them all to an organization called Young Lives. It is an organization that helps teen moms. They give away all donations for FREE! Finley helped my bag them up and then told them all “bye” as I explained where they were going.
Angel Tree
The Angel Tree is over this year, however, you should add it to your list for next year! It is so sweet picking out a child from the tree and shopping for something special just for them! It was even sweeter this year doing it with Finley. I loved talking with her about WHY we do it!
Salvation Army Bucket
I am guilty about just walking by the buckets and not thinking twice. However, I stopped the other day to let Finley put a coin in and it changed my mind. I overheard the bell-ringer tell a woman how much the Salvation Army had helped him. When Finley put her money in, he thanked her with the most sincerity. I will keep change with me from now on specifically for the red buckets.
Treat box for delivery drivers
I saw this last year and I loved it! Put a box of treats on your doorstep for when delivery drivers drop off packages this holiday season! This is the first year Ryan and I have had a house so I finally get to do it! I got a box at the dollar tree for $1 and filled it with some snacks and drinks! So easy and a great way to bless people working this holiday season!
Where to donate:
Fort Worth Pregnancy center:
What they take: Baby and toddler clothes up to 2T
Where do drop off: 3221 Cleburne Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76110
Presbyterian Night Shelter:
What they take: women’s, mens, and kids clothing, and toys.
Where to drop off: 2400 Cypress St, Fort Worth, TX 76102
Young lives:
What they take: Children’s clothes and toys
Where to drop off: 3750 S. University Dr. Fort Worth, TX 76109
Pregnancy Lifeline:
What they take: Women’s & Kid’s clothing and toys
Where to drop off: 4747 Hulen Street Fort Worth, Texas 76132
xoxo, Alyssa