
Here we go again

March 3, 2021

“It’s not your fault” my doctor kept telling me over and over again. I know it’s not my fault but it is still frustrating. I have dreamt of being pregnant my whole life so why it is so difficult for me? Before I go any further, I want to acknowledge the fact that we are blessed and thankful for a healthy baby. I am not complaining…just sharing our story. I know many women would love to be where I am right now. I am not naive to that. But this journey has been hard and I want to share it.

Preeclampsia, again. The chances of getting it more than once are rare. But here we are. I told the ER doctor that my body does not like being pregnant…he said “no, your placenta’s do not like being pregnant” Fair enough. I was doing so well until around 31 weeks when all of a sudden there was a significant trace of protein in my urine. When I was pregnant with Finley, I had been showing slow signs for a while. It seemed like this time it came out of nowhere. I’m 32 weeks as I write this…I was hospitalized with Finley at 32 weeks.

I went to the doctor because I had some severe pain and pressure down by my c-section scare. It felt like he was trying to push himself out. His head is already in position so that is the pain I was feeling. I called my doctor and she said I should go to the ER just to make sure everything is okay. Everything was okay with the pain and pressure I was feeling but they said the preeclampsia was rising and my BP was higher than they wanted. So, they gave me a steroid shot to help develop his lungs in case I deliver early!

They gave me the option to stay the night or to go home. I opted to go home. They said that I needed another steroid shot within 24 hours so I needed to go back to the ER the next night between 10-11 pm. I went last night and was expecting to get my shot and then leave. They decided to take all my vitals again and my BP was a little elevated and the protein in my urine was still rising. So, their advice was to stay the night. I immediately lost it. I trust their medical advice, however, It was midnight and it was so last minute. I needed time to get things in order for Finley. I’m a mom now so I had to do what was best for my family at that moment. The last time they told me to stay for the night, it turned into two weeks. I needed to go home and prepare in case that happens again. So, I went home and spent the whole next day getting schedules ready and bags packed just in case. I want this to be as normal for Finley as possible. The deal was that I would be on strict bed rest and only get up to use the restroom. DEAL.

So, I am on bed rest until further notice. My mom came over to clean, do dishes, and laundry. It is so hard for me to sit still and not clean. However, I am thankful for all of the help we are receiving! I went to my OB the next day to check on baby, my preeclampsia, and my Bp. Ryans’ mom watched Finley which was so helpful! I am having to go to the OB more and more and with covid, I can’t take Finley with me. Which makes it a little more stressful. At my appointment, my preeclampsia was steady which was good. They had given me BP meds at the hospital and sent some to my pharmacy. However, my pharmacy had not filled it yet. So, they were thankful that my BP was good at my appointment even though I had not had any meds that day. They hooked me up to monitor the baby and they said he looks great! So they let me leave and come home! We are taking it day by day.

I go back on Friday for a sonogram to monitor him some more and to check fluid and all that fun stuff. I will also see the high-risk doctor sometime this week. They are wanting me to make it to 37 weeks. It is looking like it may be 34 weeks at this point. My OB said that because of the steroid shots, Harrison may not spend any time in the NICU if he comes early which would be AMAZING!

So that is where we are right now! Strict bed rest for the foreseeable future but I’m just so thankful that I get to be at home for now!

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