

April 29, 2019

Well, the secret is out…WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!  The story of our house buying process is incredible so I want to share it with you!

We moved out of our apartment last September because our lease was up. We were waiting to find out where Ryan’s job was going to take him so we moved in with my in-laws for the time being. We found out in March of this year that he will continue to stay in Fort Worth! So this meant that the house search was on!

We talked with a small mortgage company and we did not get approved for as much as we wanted because we both have new cars. (I wish High School would have taught us about this) So we were advised to pay off debt before they would up how much we were approved for. So we paid off $8,000 in debt in one month. But we still did not get approved for as much as we wanted. We just still felt like that was not right. However, we paid off $8,000 in debt so it was definitely worth it!

On Monday, April 1, I told Ryan he needed to check with a different mortgage company to see if they would approve us for more. And they did. Within 30 minutes they pre-approved us for exactly what we wanted to be approved for. (Oh hi, God!)

Later that morning we went out to find bluebonnets for photos and came across this neighborhood that we loved. We saw a for sale sign in the yard for a super cute house in the neighborhood that we had been looking at months earlier. I told Ryan to call the number ASAP and it turns out that the real estate agent is actually the owner of the house. She asked if we wanted to see the house since we were in the neighborhood. She called her husband and he met us there so we could tour the house. He had just put the for sale sign in the yard 1 hour before we called. (I see you, God)

The house was the exact price that we were approved for. Ryan worked hard the next few days working with the insurance company, the mortgage company, and the realtor. The owners of the house really like us and even turned down cash offers for the house. However, on Wednesday they had three offers come in so they had to make a decision. Around 8:00 pm that night we got the call that they picked us! (Thank you, God)

Now we wait. The fun and long closing period where the bank looks at your finances. We were conditionally approved (whatever that means), however, we could spend like $0. I think it’s funny how when we want to save, it is so easy to not spending money. BUT when someone tells you not to spend money, it is the hardest thing ever.

We asked to move up our closing date because we were ready and no one was living in the house. So, our move-in date was moved from May 2 to April 29.  Just last month I had no idea where we were going to live. And in less than a month we found out perfect house in an amazing school district! The Lord orchestrated the timing so perfectly and we give him all the praise!

I am looking forward to the many play dates, memories, and milestones that will happen in our very first family home!

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