Going on day 13 of our hospital stay. Each day is different but each day is one day closer to meeting our daughter. I am not going to lie, I was very frustrated my first week in the hospital. Actually, if I’m being honest, I woke up today more frustrated than I have been. Each day we got different news and each day I got my hopes up on going home or delivering. I have been diagnosed with preeclampsia. Deep down I felt like somehow it was my fault I was here. I felt guilty. Like maybe if I hadn’t worked so hard or if I ate better. But the reality is that we do not know what causes it but we do know that comes from the placenta. It has nothing to do with anything that the mother did or could have done differently.
I know Ryan and I hear many different things at many different times throughout the day. But we understand that the doctors are doing their best to monitor me and baby. My case of preeclampsia is a little tricky. In order to cure my preeclampsia, the placenta has to be removed. Well, that means to deliver the baby, however, they want the baby to keep cooking for a little while longer. So, it’s a fine line between wanting the placenta out but wanting baby to stay in.
As of today, I am 34 weeks which is a big milestone in pregnancy. Finley will be pre-term but 34 weeks is a good week to deliver. The doctors would prefer that she stay in a little longer, but for my safety, they have considered delivering at 34 weeks. So we will see! It could be this week or it could be at 37 weeks. It all depends on my blood pressure. My high-risk doctor has said the next time that I have two crazy high blood pressures then they’ll induce me right away. So it could be any day now! I am on blood pressure medicine so my BP may be regulated and stay normal for a while. We just never know!
We do know that there is a reason my doctor has not induced me yet. Some doctors have said that if I was their patient they would have already induced me. I have been praying that The Lord will give my doctor wisdom on when to deliver. My doctor has not made that call yet, so we know that it is not the right time. There is a reason why Finley needs to stay in a little longer. The Lord already knows her birthday and when she will make her debut.
Thank you for your prayers!
Alyssa Littlefield